Development of Wind Energy and Important Areas for Biodiversity (VENBIS)

Programme: 2009–2014 European Economic Area Financial Mechanism LT03, programme “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function”

Project code: Nr. EEE-LT03-AM-01-K-01-004

Summary of the Project:

Project is aimed to evaluate the possible influence of the WE development in Lithuania to the biodiversity, with special attention to the most sensitive bird and bat species. Potential conflict areas will be detected, solutions for the conflict management, biodiversity protection and sustainable development of WE will be proposed.

WE development possibilities will be analyzed. Database of bird and bat distribution, abundance and state of the populations, based on historical and recent data will be created, summarizing all available information for 53 municipalities and covering breeding, migration and wintering periods. Additional surveys are planned for the territories where only historical data are available or no research was done before. WE impact on biodiversity and Natura 200 territories will be studied. The online tool will be developed for the evaluation of the sensitivity of potential conflict zones and conflict management. Multi-level data integration will help experts and environmental bodies quickly summarize the knowledge and take proper decisions for WE development.


Duration of the Project: 2015.01.15 – 2016.04.30



